Observing Venus-Twins with LIFE: paper IX available on arxiv now
March 9, 2023
In Konrad et al. (https://arxiv.org/abs/2303.04727), the LIFE team studied different quality thermal emission spectra of cloudy Venus-twin exoplanet using Bayesian atmospheric retrievals. The goal of this study was to:
- test how the retrieval routine introduced in LIFE paper III performs for a realistic non-Earth-like MIR spectrum of a known planet,
- investigate how clouds impact can impact retrievals,
- refine the LIFE requirements (wavelength coverage, R, and S/N) derived in the previous Earth-centred LIFE studies (papers III and V).
In the retrievals, we tested different forward models (cloudy and cloud-free) to determine how well atmosphere and clouds are characterisable depending on the quality of the MIR spectrum. The requirements from paper III suffice to characterise Venus’ atmosphere above the clouds. However, constraining Venus’ cloud properties solely from LIFE observations will likely be hard.
Posteriors retrieved for the 4-18.5, 50, LIFEsim S/N=10 Venus-twin spectrum for different forward models. Here, L(.) abbreviates log10(.). Dashed black lines indicate the true values. For the cloud species, the true value is the H2SO4 mass fraction in the Venus-twin model. Solid green area – opaque H2SO4 clouds; thin-blue outlined area – transparent H2SO4 clouds; orange-hatched area – opaque H2O clouds; thick-yellow outlined area – cloud-free.
Model parameter posteriors for increased quality, 4-18.5 micron, Venus-twin spectra. Here, L(.) abbreviates log10(.). Dashed black lines indicate the true values. For the cloud species, the true value is the H2SO4 mass fraction in the Venus-twin model. Solid green area – opaque H2SO4 clouds; thin-blue outlined area – transparent H2SO4 clouds; orange-hatched area – opaque H2O clouds; thick-yellow outlined area – cloud-free. Columns (left to right) show the results for the planet radius, cloud species abundance, equilibrium temperature, Bond albedo. Rows (top to bottom) represent different input qualities: R=50, S/N=10; R=100, S/N=10; R=50, S/N=20; R=100, S/N20.